نيمار لجماهير نادي الهلال السعودي: سأواصل القتال كل يوم

Saudi al-hilal Club professional Neymar Jr. confirmed that his injury suffered in the past was very difficult, promising the fans of his team to continue fighting; In order to quickly return to the green rectangle. The Brazilian star said in a message posted on his personal account on the social media platform “TikTok”: “I suffered […]
موعد عودة نيمار بعد التعافي من الصليبي

كشفت تقارير صحفية سعودية عن اقتراب البرازيلي نيمار دا سيلفا، جناح الهلال السعودي، من العودة إلى الملاعب مع الزعيم، وذلك بعد تعافيه من الإصابة التي أبعدته عن الملاعب في الموسم الماضي 2023-2024. وتعرض اللاعب البالغ من العمر 31 عامًا لتمزق في الرباط الصليبي الأمامي والغضروف المفصلي للركبة اليسرى، أثناء مشاركته مع الفريق الأول لكرة القدم بالنادي […]
نيمار يبلغ الهلال بموعد عودته

Brazilian Neymar da Silva, the star of Saudi Al-hilal, told the team’s medical staff when he would return to group training. Neymar joined Al-Hilal early last season, but played only 5 games in all tournaments, before suffering a cut to the knee cruciate ligament during October. According to the Saudi sports newspaper,the player Neymar told […]
الهلال يغادر للنمسا بدون نيمار

The medical staff of the al-hilal team, in coordination with the technical staff, decided to undergo a treatment and rehabilitation programme at the club’s headquarters during the team’s preparatory camp in Austria from 15 July to 3 August; Camp end date. Portuguese coach Jesus gave his players rest for the training on Sunday night, before […]
الهلال ينتظر عودة نيمار لحسم الجدل

Saudi al-hilal Club is awaiting the return of its Brazilian star Neymar da Silva to participate in training. Neymar suffered a cut to the knee cruciate ligament last October while partnering with his country, against Uruguay in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. According to the Saudi newspaper “Middle East”, the Crescent administration intends to register […]
رافينيا يقترب من الانضمام للهلال

off July 18, according to the Spanish newspaper Mundo Deportivo on Monday. The same newspaper revealed that Portugal’s Georgie Jesus, coach of the First al-hilal football team, spoke with high-ranking figures in Barcelona, informing them of the al-hilal ‘s desire to include the Brazilian star accompanied by former Barcelona players, Malcom Oliveira, and Neymar Jr. […]
تصريحات نيمار تثير الجدل بين جمهور الهلال

Fans of Saudi al-hilal Club are awaiting Neymar ‘s return after his long absence from action last time, following a cruciate ligament cut, during his country’s Brazil clash against Uruguay last October. The Brazilian talked about wanting to help to the stadiums again, after approaching recovery from injury, and the crescent professional said in remarks […]
هل يلحق نيمار بالهلال في الموسم الجديد؟

According to Saudi press reports, Neymar ‘s return to action will be two weeks after the start of the Rushin Saudi Championship for the 2024-25 season, which is expected to be on August 22. According to Saudi newspaper Riyadh, Club Al-Hilal professionals will be fully ready to play games next September, and the Brazilian star […]
نيمار في موسمه الأول مع الهلال ثلاث بطولات وخمس مباريات

Brazilian Neymar found the Saudi crescent star celebrating the titles with little effort during the 2023-2024 season. Neymar moved to Al-Hilal early in the season from Paris Saint-Germain, in a massive two-year deal, amounting to €90 million, according to press reports. Al-Hilal, Neymar, presented as one of the most prominent deals in the history of […]
البرازيليون يتألقون في دوري روشن

Professional Brazilians ball stars in the Saudi Roshen League are the most registered in the competition before the start of the 33-year-old round. Brazilians citizenship is the highest target in Roshen in the current season after 32 rounds, of all professional nationalities in competition clubs. Talesca, al-nasr player who has missed his team’s last games […]
تعرف علي آخر مستجدات إصابة نيمار وموعد العودة

كشفت تقارير صحفية، اليوم الأربعاء، عن آخر تطورات تأهيل النجم البرازيلي نيمار دا سيلفا، من أجل العودة للمشاركة في مباريات الهلال السعودي، بعد فترة غياب طويلة تعرض فيها نيمار لقطع في الرباط الصليبي في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول الماضي مع منتخب البرازيل في لقاء أوروجواي في مونديال 2026.
سقوط الهلال بعد رقم قياسي كبير يثير صحف العالم

Many international newspapers highlighted yesterday’s defeat of Al-Hilal to the Emirati Eye in the Asian Champions League. On Wednesday night, Al-Hilal suffered a defeat against the Emirati Eye (4/2) as part of the AFL semi-finals to halt his winning streak, which reached 34 victories. “The crescent led by Jorge Jesus ends the world record series […]