نيوم يتعاقد مع سلمان الفرج

أعلن نادي نيوم السعودي في دوري الدرجة الأولى، اليوم الأحد، التعاقد رسميا مع الدولي السعودي سلمان الفرج، قائد الهلال السابق، لتدعيم صفوف الفريق بداية من موسم 2024/2025. ولم يتم الكشف عن تفاصيل العقد. ونشر الحساب الرسمي للنادي على منصة (X) مقطع فيديو يظهر فيه اللاعب وهو يرتدي القميص السعودي.
نيوم يعلن ضم الدولي المصري حجازي

Neom Club announced on Sunday the signing of Egyptian defender Ahmed Hegazi to lead their first football team’s defense, coming from Al-Ittihad, as revealed on their official social media account on “X”. On July 19, a famous website reported that Neom had reached a final agreement with the Egyptian international. Another report mentioned that Hegazi […]
حجازي يقترب من نيوم والجماهير تتفاعل

Tweeters circulated via social media platform X a photo of Egyptian player Ahmed Hijazi, defender of Etihad Club, after arriving in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, in preparation for his move to Neom team. NEOM plays in the Saudi top flight “Yello League”, and the team aims to conclude a high-calibre deal this summer; To move up […]
نادي نيوم السعودي يعلن تعاقده مع رومارينيو

Saudi club Neom announced the signing of Brazilian star Romarinho for two seasons, after a 5-year bus career with former club Etihad. The Neom Club posted a welcome video of the player, considered the club’s first foreign deals during the 2024 summer transfer window, writing a tweet that read: “Hello, hello, hello, welcome to Gali.” […]
نجم الهلال السابق يقترب من العودة للسعودية

Former al-hilal star Carlos Eduardo of Brazil came close to returning again to Saudi Arabia, after his previous distinguished years defending the leader’s shirt. According to Saudi newspaper Al Jazeera, the former al-hilal star during the current winter Mercato is close to signing with “formerly Falcons” club Neom, who plays in the Saudi Second Division. […]