Hassan Tambakti may miss the Saudi Football Clasico

According to a report, Hassan Tambakti, the defender for Al-Hilal and recognized as the most expensive local defender in his country, might miss the eagerly awaited match against Al-Nassr in the Saudi Clasico.

The match is scheduled for next Friday, where Al-Hilal will host Al-Nassr in the 15th round of the Saudi league. The report attributes Tambakti’s possible absence to a hamstring injury, preventing him from traveling with his team to Uzbekistan for the match against Navbahor in the AFC Champions League.

The report notes that Al-Hilal currently tops the Saudi league table with 38 points, holding a 4-point lead over Al-Nassr.

On another note, the Saudi newspaper “Al-Sharq Al-Awsat” mentioned that Tambakti joined Al-Hilal during the summer transfer window for a value exceeding 90 million Saudi Riyals, marking a record as the most expensive deal for a local defender in the history of Saudi football.

In conclusion, the potential absence of Hassan Tambakti, recognized as the most expensive local defender, from the Saudi Clasico adds an element of uncertainty to the upcoming clash between Al-Hilal and Al-Nassr. With Al-Hilal leading the Saudi league standings and Tambakti’s pivotal role in their defense, his potential absence due to a hamstring injury raises questions about how it might impact the dynamics of the game. As the football community awaits the outcome, Tambakti’s significance in Al-Hilal’s defensive lineup and the record-breaking nature of his transfer underscore the importance of his potential return for future matches.

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